Dependency Problem?

We don't advocate for truly harmful drug use, politics or anything else that'll sap you of your soul.

If you need help, you should probably get it.

We've included some resources at the bottom here.


Dope, meth, crank, heroin, alcohol, coke, pain, fear. money, pussy, dick, sodium, whatever it is you've got an issue with, whatever it is that's killing you, or keeping you from levelling up, there's a solution out there for you.

Think of it as a custom bike—built to your specs—that you can jump on and ride past whatever it is that's holding you back.

Your only job at any given moment is to take a step towards it. That's it. One step.

It could be a little step. It could be a big one. And you know you're gonna take a step anyways, so it might as well be towards that custom. When you get there you can jump on it, wheelie past the bullshit while you're flippin the bird, and ride on to wherever it is you're supposed to go.

Never underestimate the power of a step, because it can change everything. That's something bikers know well. Whether that step is onto your first motorcycle, into a pool for Olympic gold, off of or away from a cliff, or a triumphant launch onto a summit, your next step will change everything for you.

It may take a while. Or it may happen in a moment. But it always takes one step.

So what's a next step you can take?

An intention. To trust in the process of your life (no matter how fucked up it may seem at this moment). To begin accepting where you're at, and that you've got power over where you're going.

To get busy on your only job, which is taking your next step.

Below are some resources that can help.*


Ass'n of Recovering Motorcyclists

For ideas on pursuing rehab at home during the pandemic, here's a paid article that has some good info.


*The Association of Recovering Motorcyclists (ARM) is one of the two charities Biker Dope has chosen to contribute a portion of net sales to. The other charity is Biker Down which both Proud & Free Biker and Biker Dope will be supporting.

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